Google Pixel 6 אₒ Aleph0
Google Pixel 6 אₒ Aleph0 is an unique device.
You can choose between three different base OS depending your threat model:
- GrapheneOS
- De-googled pure A12 with MicroG project
- Stock Google A12 experience
Google Pixel 6 256 Gb 5GTitan chip & RISC-V defines the highest security standardsAndroid 12 & System wide AES-256 encryption
Enforced Security stack is applyed on-top of the OS:
Optional: remove accelerometer, microphones & cameraOptional: Intrusion Prevention System IPSOptional: remote advanced administration softwareWatch-out when buying your SIM
Google Pixel 6 אₒ Aleph0 it's an unique device.
Trusted Lab environment – All operations are executed in Zurich, Swizerland, in a secured production line.
For an In-depth analysis of the product, before Enanced Security is applied, go here.
Pixel 6 platform security uses “Defense in Depth” to mitigate Remote attacks,Local attacks, Physical attacks.
"If I were configuring a smartphone today, I'd use DanielMicay's GrapheneOS as the base operating system. I'd desolder the microphones."
- Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower
Contacts for pre-order clarification and special requirements:
Pixel 6 אₒ ships to you 2 weeks after the virgin device has arrived to the Lab in Zurich. No delivery fees .
Legal Notice
Aleph0 has modified this smartphone, originally manufactured by Google, without Google's consent. Any Google trademarks on this product merely indicate the original product and are not used by Aleph0 as trademarks.
What you are buying: